Online Reading Links

This page is devoted to linking to things I've read online and want to point out as potentially interesting. The actual content will vary, I'm sure, but likely topics include geeks, society, business, and computing. Please e-mail if you find any broken links. Enjoy!

Jakob Neilsen has some excellent writings about web design on his site... And this is one of them. It discusses web site design from a very realistic perspective: People learn about using your web sites not from your website, but rather, from all the other websites they've used before ever they knew yours existed. Therefore, if your website is to be useful and direct, it must behave according to user expectations, and, therefore, according to the (thus far defacto) standards of web site design. Good read - good reasoning.

Just a quick writing of some dude that I found when I was surfing... I thought it clever, so here's the link. (formerly known as is a site that I hit while digging for information on setting up some spam blacklist stuff on my box. He has some insightful commentary on a few things... I haven't read them all, but the ones I particularly like are:
The Case for Uncreative Web Design
The Administrator Who Cried, "Important!"
An Open Letter to Spam Patrons

This is an insightful bit about marketing, markets, and how the internet is changing business. It grew into a book before all was said and done, and you can read the whole seven chapter book online.

This is an article about user interface design that touches on some of the troublesome aspects of modern computer-user interfaces. He discusses some items that really strike me as serious limitations on the typical GUI, and points out the need for some big changes. For some of it, I went "Oh, yeah, that's bash. And, yeah, that's cron and at." But he makes a good case for making CLI's better in ways that make them more user friendly and more learnable. He does a convincing job of deriding the current GUI's... "It's as if we have thrown away a million years of evolution, lost our facility with expressive language, and been reduced to pointing at objects in the immediate environment. Mouse buttons and modifier keys give us a vocabulary equivalent to a few different grunts."

If you ever communicate with technical people on technical topics... Read this.

I read this the other day, and found a lot of my ideas agreed with... Some of it is a bit wierdie, but it's still an interesting read.